LYNX at the Qubit Prague 2022 event
Date: 30.05.2022
This year, we also participated in the Qubit event. This event takes place every year in Prague, and we are very happy to have a representative of our company there.
Supporting things beyond our line
of business is our legacy.
Supporting things beyond our line
of business is our legacy.
Date: 30.05.2022
This year, we also participated in the Qubit event. This event takes place every year in Prague, and we are very happy to have a representative of our company there.
Date: 18.05.2022
We gladly accepted the invitation to lecture for graduates from the Grammar School of St. Edita Steinová in Košice. The students of the Grammar School surprised us with their enthusiasm, interesting questions and participation in the discussion.
Date: 12.05.2022
From 10 to 12 May 2022, representatives of our company participated in the IDEB event, which took place in Incheba, Bratislava.
Date: 26.04.2022
This year, the European Football Championship will take place right here in Košice. Our company has thus become a proud partner of this important event. The championship matches will take place on June 4-11, 2022, and we can expect a great atmosphere and quality organization.
Date: 24.04.2022
This Thursday 28.4. there will be a Girl's Day event, of which we are also a part, for the 4th year. Girl’s Day is World Women's Day in IT, which takes place every year, the fourth Thursday in the fourth month, organized by AjtyvIT.