Well-functioning team of top-notch experts
is the guarantee of success in our company.

Zoltán Kollár, LYNX Chief Executive Officer

Well-functioning team of top-notch experts
is the guarantee of success in our company.

Zoltán Kollár, LYNX Chief Executive Officer

LYNX as a part of the UNIPOkeC podcast with the title: Do I get a Job?

Date: 05.06.2020

The topic of the latest podcast of the UPJŠ University Counselling Center was the situation on the Slovak labor market. Chief Communications Officer of LYNX - Mr. Martin Kollár answered the questions in the interview.

He emphasized the vision of employing people on the basis of quality and not quantity. He mentioned the fact that our company selects new employees, not recruit them. According to him, job seekers should be aware of the general theses valid on the labor market. So have a realistic idea of your abilities, qualifications, strengths or previous experience.

In general, future employees should have sufficient knowledge of the company they want to work for and should reflect on what they can offer as added value.

Mr. Kollár further noted that employees sell themselves as an investment for the company. On the contrary, the company recognizes them as a potential partner and is interested in taking care of them.

The entire podcast episode is published through the following streaming service: